Sunday, March 8, 2015

Life Doesn't Have to Be Perfect. In Fact, it Never Will Be!

Hey, how is everyone? I know it's been a while since I posted, and I have lots to catch up on! By the way, spring is officially on its way, but you could never tell by looking at our front yard: 
About four feet of snow tell us spring is not quite here! 
But first, I wanted to share something that I have been learning lately. And it is this: 
Sometimes you have to just simply accept that perfect is never going to happen. And that's okay. 
Let me share an example from my own life. As a university student, my major was for teaching high school English. I loved to write, and high school English was where I felt very comfortable

And after graduating, I have taught high school English. For four out of the approximately ten years that I have taught.

The other years, I have taught E.S.L. to adults, grade two, alternative high school, junior high Social Studies, and substitute teaching, where you teach almost every class in the school (even gym -- groan.)

Do I wish I could teach high school English? Well, that is my ideal, yes. I absolutely love the deep discussions, love helping students communicate. I love literature. 

My ideal year of teaching was right before I met my gorgeous husband-to-be. It was the perfect set-up: teaching 100% English, with a shot of Drama the side. Perfecto.

But ... it wasn't meant to be. That blissful year came to an end, and as the newcomer to the division, the job went to someone else, who wanted to move up from teaching junior high English. 

Perfection came to an end, and I was moved down to teach grades five/six. I felt so out of my comfort zone, that I ended up leaving the division. And moving me and all my boxes across the country. 
This was my future husband helping me move across Canada
I kept searching for that ideal job, again, but alas, high school teaching jobs are at the top of the pyramid of teaching jobs. Those that have these jobs rarely leave them. 

Plus, the place where I had moved (for love -- read that story here), had worse employment rates than my home province. 

I did other things. Worked for Statistics Canada. Then taught alternative school. Started writing again. 

And then I taught grade six. Yes, if you remember, grade six was the level I had turned down before, because it was out of my comfort zone. 

And it still was. Out of my comfort zone, that is. But I worked really hard to learn the curriculum, to learn how to reach 11 and 12 year old kids. 

For two years. Then, I decided to go back to writing. I was just exhausted from stretching myself, feeling like it would never be good enough: my teaching, my classroom, me. 

I re-started this blog, printed up business cards, and started writing for the local paper. 

View of Lake Winnipeg, in the early morning. 
While covering the school's Christmas concert for the newspaper, my old principal asked me if I could come back and teach grade six, the job I had left. The other teacher had left. He was in a pinch. 

I did. Now, a two-month contract has stretched into six months. And I am looking at coming back next year. 

What changed? What changed was me. I finally saw that things don't have to be perfect. I stopped longing for that perfect job, and just started accepted the life that I have been given right now.

My house is not perfect. I am not perfect, and my classroom is not perfect. 

And that's okay. I will only do what I can. And it feels pretty good. I started to finally learn to live this verse:
 "...for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."
--- Phillipians 4:11b

My kitty, Jo, demonstrating complete relaxation yesterday. 
And so I encourage you, today, to accept what life has given you. Life doesn't have to be perfect. It never will be. But do what you can, with what you have.

And remember: those things that are the hardest, will eventually become the things that make you the strong person for others who are walking the journey behind you. 

Love Sharilee. Hey thanks so much for reading. I would love to hear your comments and input in the space below. Also, if you like what you are reading, sign up through my Facebook page. or receive posts by e-mail by joining here

** All photos are property of the blog's author, and cannot be reproduced, without written permission from the author.